Miss Alisha Stanesby is our School Attendance Officer. She has been trained to undertake the challenging role of ensuring that all children in school have an Attendance percentage of above 96%.
She directly liaises with parents to support them to improve their child’s Attendance if it drops below 95%.
She liaises well with partner agencies to help support parents and children to improve and maintain their attendance.
St Michaels Church School is a welcoming and inclusive primary school in the Peterborough. Our children come from a wide range of cultural and social backgrounds; making it a diverse and vibrant learning community. Our children are enthusiastic learners who are engaged in their learning and behave consistently well. We believe it is extremely important for the children to attend school regularly and to be punctual. If a child has good attendance it enables them to maximise their potential in later life. Ensuring your child’s regular attendance at the school is your legal responsibility.

Mrs A Stanesby
Attendance Officer
At the St Michaels Church School we: -
• Strive to create a church family vibe.
• We provide a welcoming and caring environment where all members of the school feel secure and valued
• Expect every child to attend school for at least 96% of the time
• Expect every child to arrive on time, every day
• Will support parents in their legal responsibility to ensure that their child is in school and on time each day
•Believe a leave of absence should not be taken during term-time. We will not authorise requests for leave of absence, except in exceptional circumstances and when evidence has been provided, at the discretion of our Headteacher.
All requests for absence are processed by Mrs Simons-Clarke, but it is the Headteacher who has direct responsibility for authorising/unauthorising absence.
Please read the full attendance policy for additional information
Miss Alisha Stanesby can be contacted directly by phone, email or in person should you wish to discuss any attendance issues: -
attendance@stmichelschurchschool.co.uk or 01733 306778 ext 248
Attendance Expectations
At St Michaels Church Primary we recognise that attending school regularly and on time has a positive impact on learning, progress and therefore the best life chances for our students.
Excellent attendance and punctuality is the key for our student’s success. Therefore, we must ensure that attendance and punctuality are the highest they possibly can be in order to prepare our pupils for their future adult life. In line with the Government and Local Authority Guidelines, we expect all our pupils to maintain an attendance level of 96% and above.
It is the responsibility of everyone in our school community – parents, staff, students and governors to ensure they achieve this. Therefore, we monitor and review the attendance of all our students constantly. We encourage excellent attendance and punctuality for all students, by offering an environment in which our students feel valued and part of the school community.
Gold If your child attends the school over 100% of the time, they will receive positive recognition and reward badge. The names of these children will be announced for at our end of year celebration in Collective worship.