Uniform & PE Kit

Our Uniform
Please look at your child's class page for details of their PE Timetable
We believe that wearing uniform helps to foster a sense of belonging within our school family and reinforces expectations of appropriate dress, self-care and respect for one another.
Our base uniform has been chosen in order to be as simple and inexpensive as possible whilst also being readily available from alternative suppliers. This should then be combined with our branded sweatshirt or cardigan as wonderfully modelled here by some of our pupils!
Purple Sweatshit or Cardigan - with school logo
White Polo Shirt - preferably with our school logo ( Especially when on visits away from school )
Grey Bottoms - Smart tailored trousers, shorts or skirt.
Optional: Purple / White checked dress for the Summer months
Girls may choose to wear plain, grey tights.
Other school Branded items include:
A zip up, reversible fleece / waterproof jacket in the school colours
Sun hat
Children are exected to wear black school shoes.
On the day your child has Physical Education ( PE ) they are able to come to school dressed in their PE kit.
A pair of trainers are required which must be different from their normal school shoes. Trainers must be black with no sporting logos. During the summer months we encourage children to wear sun hats/caps
Jewellery & Hair

Jewellery should not be worn in school as it presents problems in terms of security and safety.
Where ears have already been pierced, one set of simple studs may be worn. These must be taken out by the child and stored safely for the duration of all PE sessions. Parents should avoid piercing their children's ears other than at the start of the long Summer holiday as this allows sufficient time for holes to heal before studs need to be removed for PE sessions in school.
Wrist watches may be worn at the parent’s discretion providing they do not cause any disturbances in school. Medic alerts may be worn if necessary and we would encourage children to wear sensible hair bands and school coloured hair accessories to tie back long hair.
Extreme or heavily shaved hair styles are not appropriate for school.
New to you Uniform Shop
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new to you school uniform shop.
We are very lucky to have parents and carers who support our school with donations of pre-worn uniform. All donated uniform is washed and ready to buy for a small cost of £1.00 per item.
To access our uniform shop, please either scan the QR code at the bottom of this letter
and this will take you straight to the site or you could click on the following link https://app.uniformd.co.uk/items/st-michaels-church-school
Once you have chosen your item and it is placed in your basket you will be able to pay online and have the goods ready for collection from the school office or you can select for the goods to be sent home with your child. We will also have a rail in the school entrance if you wish to come and see the items before buying directly from us.
We hope you agree that this is a step in the right direction to reducing our carbon
footprint as well as saving money on school uniform whilst raising funds for the
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Smith