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Fern Leaves

Forest School

Statement of intent 

At St Michael's Church School, we aim to use the natural woodland environment to offer the children an insight into the Forest School ethos. This approach to outdoor learning encourages children to become independent, use their imagination, take supported risks within boundaries and initiate learning for themselves.

Forest School is a holistic approach to learning, incorporating children’s individuality and develops their skills for lifelong learning. It can cover many areas of learning, including the emotional and spiritual aspects of learning where self-esteem and self-confidence can grow and positive relationships with peers can be formed.

Forest School explores the outdoors and the natural environment with practical, useful activities all year round. It develops peer learning with the adults providing support and enabling activities to take place. The child’s interest will be at the heart of any activity. 

Forest School has 6 Key principles which it is based around: 

  • Run by a trained practitioner who continually maintains and develops their practice. 

  • Takes place in a natural/wooded environment to support the relationship between the learner and the natural world 

  • Holistic approach 

  • Children take supported risks 

  • Child-Led Learning 

  • Long-term regular sessions 



















And so our journey begins....

St Michael's is currently planting it's very own forest so that the children can enjoy a variety of exciting and educational lessons in the great outdoors.

Please remember that if your child has a Forest School lesson that you send them in with old jogging bottoms, spare shoes/wellies and a coat that you don't mind getting dirty.



Green shoots from Forest School

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Chef enseignant

Mme Rebecca Smith


St Michael's Logo

Président des gouverneurs

Mme Mikala Dainter


École de l'église Saint-Michel

Constantine Drive, Stanground Sud,
Peterborough, PE2 8SZ
T: 01733 306778

Bureau de l'école

01733 306778
Le secrétariat de l'école est ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 8h30 à 16h

Clubs de petits déjeuners et après l'école

01733 306778
Du lundi au vendredi de 8h30 à 17h30

ACT Trust
Stanground & Farcet C0fE Churches
Peterborough City Council Logo
Boxal Quality Mark Award 2022
School Games Bronze Award 2017/2018
IQM Award

©2022 par École Primaire Saint-Michel. Fièrement créé par PRISM 

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