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Worship Leaders

Our Year 2 and Year 5 children are offered the opportunity to support Collective Worship by becoming Worship Leaders. These children will help to host important parts of our time together, they include:

The Welcome: Two children will stand at the doors and welcome our children into Collective Worship. This helps the children to enter into a calm, focused and purposeful environment. 


The Wave: One child will come to the front and ask the children to wave at each other, at the teachers and anyone else around school, this helps us to feel united as a family.

The Greeting and Response: One child will stand at the front, they will greet the children and the children will respond. This helps the children to understand we are starting our time together.

The Greeting and Response: One child will stand at the front, they will greet the children and the children will respond. This helps the children to understand we are starting our time together.

The Trinity: Three children in Year 2 and one child in Year 5 will introduce the Trinity into our time together. They will help to dress the altar, opening the Bible, positioning Jesus' cross and lighting a candle for the Holy Spirit. This helps the children to learn that God is 3-in-1, He is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

Our School Prayer

On a Monday during our 'Headteachers Worship' our children will be invited to say a prayer with Mrs Smith. One child will be invited to lead the children with saying 'The Grace' before leaving our time together.

On a Tuesday during our 'Clergy Worship' our children will say the Lord's Prayer as the local Reverends will join us. The children will also be offered to receive a blessing prayer from Reverend Andrew or Carol. 

On a Wednesday during 'Choral Worship' our children will say the School Prayer which was written by the first children who started in our school, it is part of their legacy.

Bi-weekly, on a Thursday during 'Special and Remember' our children will say a prayer based on the theme of the time together.

Bi-wwekly, on a Thursday during 'Reading for Pleasure' our children will say our School Prayer as this helps the children to learn that reading enhances their learning in school. 

On a Friday during our 'Celebration Worship' our children will say the Celebration Prayer because it focusses on celebrating individual achievement in learning or citizenship.  

The Song: Year 5 Worship leaders are also asked to participate in leading the actions for the songs we sing as part of Choral Worship. They will support the younger childre

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પીટરબરો, PE2 8SZ
T: 01733 306778

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01733 306778
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Stanground & Farcet C0fE Churches
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Boxal Quality Mark Award 2022
School Games Bronze Award 2017/2018
IQM Award

©2022 સેન્ટ માઈકલની પ્રાથમિક શાળા દ્વારા. PRISM  દ્વારા ગર્વથી બનાવેલ

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