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Caterpillars - EYFS


Caterpillars - EYFS


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Miss Megan Duffield

Caterpillar's Class Teacher
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Miss Heather Turner

Caterpillar's Teaching Assistant ( HLTA )
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Mrs Sam Nucita

Caterpillar's Teaching Assistant

Welcome to the Caterpillar class!

Caterpillar class is a busy, happy environment where children are nurtured and supported to be the best they can be. We take into account each child’s individual starting points and foster their interests. We learn through play, following our curriculum themes that are based around core books. Most importantly we have lots of fun whilst learning the all important things throughout school, from the curriculum to the everyday routines and school life which is all very new to the little caterpillars.

We work closely with Ladybird class; our doors are always open allowing children to choose whether they would like to access resources in either classroom, or the outdoor area. This also allows for friendships to be developed across both classrooms, so no matter what class your child is in, they get to see ladybirds all the time!

Please ensure children bring their reading books and diaries on a Monday. We will collect the reading books in on a Monday and re-issue books on the Thursday. Without the child’s previous reading book we cannot issue any further books. We love to see all the reading your caterpillar does at home whether this be one of the school books we send home or a bed time story.

Our PE days are Mondays and Thursdays. On these days, please ensure you send your caterpillar into school in their PE kit ready for their session.

First year of school is always a daunting experience for both your child and yourselves however it will be an exciting journey to embark on. They will learn life skills and develop academically whilst being in a fun, stimulating and safe environment within caterpillar class.

We look forward to having the caterpillars in school and start our journey!



Books we are reading

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Book Name

Contents to follow

Early Years News

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