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Class led Collective Worship:
Our School Values 2023

Over the Spring term and into the Summer term, St Michael's handed the responsibility of leading Collective Worship over to our wonderful children. Supported by their teachers, the children created a Collective Worship series focusing on our School Values and what they mean to them as children in our school. The children chose Bible stories, wrote prayers, created dramas, signed for songs and led the Collective Worship for their peers and parents.  

Below are photograph collages of the children and the feedback of the voices from one another:

Year Reception 

Child's Voice

Dear Swallows Class


Thank you very much for your amazing collective worship this morning. Everyone in Ladybirds class thought that it was very very good.

Motilayu really liked when Satan tried to tempt Jesus to do the wrong thing. Esther really liked seeing her friend from another class in the hall.Bailey really liked the angels, and thought they looked beautiful,Alia really liked the song we walked into the hall to.And Preetham really liked all of it.  He couldn't pick a favourite part,


Thank you so much, it was brilliant.




Dear Owls Class


The Ladybirds really enjoyed your assembly this morning.Motilayu really liked the part where the Samaritan helped the man on the floor.


Carrie liked it when he was given water to show compassion.Preetham liked the man who helped others.Mr Little enjoyed the songs !!!


Thank you very much for your Collective Worship


Ladybirds class


Dear Badgers Class


Thank you for an amazing collective worship this morning about Honesty.  We all thought that it was the best assembly that we've seen for ages.


Robyn and Motilayu really liked the part when the children made a tunnel in the garden of Eden.Antonia and Freddie really liked the animal face masks that you were wearing.


Olivia liked seeing her friend on stage.Parva and Karie really liked the song, Waymaker is a favourite of the whole class.


Thank you for an amazing performance.


Ladybirds class​






Dears Owls, 


Thank you for the lovely Collective Worship. We enjoyed it a lot and it has made us evaluate our own compassion. 


I liked the poem at the end - Emile 

I liked the game of Bingo -Fran

I liked it when the robbers beat up the Jew - Ollie

I liked the way it made me feel like being more compassionate - Tyler

I liked the songs and actions - Kacy and Evan 

I liked the acting - Olek and Amelia 

I liked the costumes - Erika and Aoife

The way you got your message across - Mary 


You were all super this morning


From Kites class






Dear Squirrels


Thank you for an amazing assembly about Friendship.  Everyone in Ladybirds class really enjoyed it.


Guste  enjoyed seeing her friend do the Trinity.Motilayu and Parva liked the song.Spencer thought that the masks were really good.Robyn really liked seeing Noah building his ark


Mr Little loved the art work of Noah's ark, it was very beautiful.


Thank you for such an amazing assembly.  It was great.


Ladybirds class




Dear Kestrel Class.


Thank you very much for your amazing collective worship this morning.  We really enjoyed it.


We particularly liked the bit where Goliath stood on the box and was really big.  We also liked it when David threw a stone at him and killed him.


We thought that the songs were also really good.


Thank you very much.


Ladybird Class

Dirigente scolastico

La signora Rebecca Smith


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Presidente dei Governatori

La signora Mikala Dainter


Scuola della chiesa di San Michele

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Peterborough, PE2 8SZ
T: 01733 306778

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01733 306778
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