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Magic Bookings

At St. Michael’s Church School we use MagicBooking as our booking system. You are able to book your child into our Beehive for childcare sessions, book your child onto an extra-curricular club and pay for your child’s school trip.

We accept Childcare Vouchers towards the cost of the use of our Beehive and our Half Term holiday camps. This can all be booked using your MagicBooking account. Your account is created with the email address that you have given us to register your child at our school. To access your account please click on this link MagicBooking LogIn

If you have any difficulties logging in please contact the School Office Team who will be happy to help.

Dyrektor szkoły

Pani Rebeka Smith


St Michael's Logo

Przewodniczący Gubernatorów

Pani Mikała Dainter


Szkoła Kościoła św. Michała

Constantine Drive, Stanground South,
Peterborough, PE2 8SZ
T: 01733 306778

Biuro szkolne

01733 306778
Sekretariat szkoły jest czynny od poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach od 8:30 do 16:00

Kluby śniadaniowe i pozalekcyjne

01733 306778
poniedziałek-piątek 8:30 - 17:30

ACT Trust
Stanground & Farcet C0fE Churches
Peterborough City Council Logo
Boxal Quality Mark Award 2022
School Games Bronze Award 2017/2018
IQM Award

©2022 by Szkoła Podstawowa św. Michała. Dumnie stworzony przez PRISM 

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