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Ravens- Year 4


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Miss Haleema Hussain

Raven's Class Teacher
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Mrs Stephanie Barke

Raven's Teaching Assistant (SEN)
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Mrs Reena Verma

Raven's Teaching Assistant (SEN)
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Miss Tanya Lord

Raven's Teaching Assistant (SEN)

Welcome to Raven Class! 

Like Ravens, we are confident, inquisitive and love a challenge. We are enthusiastic in the face of new learning and strive to do our best in every subject. We all have our own strengths and personalities which is what makes us such a special group. We are loyal and quick to help or support our classmates and adults. No matter what this year has in store for us, we know we will work hard and above all, have fun! 

                                 OUR PE DAYS ARE HELD ON TUESDAY AND THURSDAY - SEPTEMBER 2024


Books we are reading

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Contents to follow

Year 4 News

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Dyrektor szkoły

Pani Rebeka Smith


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Przewodniczący Gubernatorów

Pani Mikała Dainter


Szkoła Kościoła św. Michała

Constantine Drive, Stanground South,
Peterborough, PE2 8SZ
T: 01733 306778

Biuro szkolne

01733 306778
Sekretariat szkoły jest czynny od poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach od 8:30 do 16:00

Kluby śniadaniowe i pozalekcyjne

01733 306778
poniedziałek-piątek 8:30 - 17:30

ACT Trust
Stanground & Farcet C0fE Churches
Peterborough City Council Logo
Boxal Quality Mark Award 2022
School Games Bronze Award 2017/2018
IQM Award

©2022 by Szkoła Podstawowa św. Michała. Dumnie stworzony przez PRISM 

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