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在 St Michael's,我们持有并处理有关学生、家长/照顾者、员工、管理人员/志愿者和求职者的个人信息。这是为了使学校能够为所有人提供全面的教育和安全的环境。 根据 2018 年 5 月通用数据保护条例处理个人数据的法律依据是完成一项公共任务 - 即提供教育。 

学校遵守 2018 年 5 月颁布的《通用数据保护条例》,我们的数据保护政策和相关政策(例如隐私政策、数据泄露政策、互联网安全政策、特殊类别数据政策和 ICT 可接受使用政策)证明了这一点。这些都可以从我们的政策页面获得。


NB 在学校等待 GDPR 要求的最终澄清时,有些是草案形式。 


The school has a Data Protection Officer, Mrs Donna Flynn, provided through the ICT Services. Our DPO can be contacted by emailing

Images: The school asks all parents, carers and visitors to our school to ask permission before taking photos and video and to agree such files are used for personal use only and are not shared with social media sights or other agencies. The school will only publish images on this website if parental permission has been provided.

Rights: Parents and pupils have the right to access the information we hold about them; this is known as a Subject Access Request and should be made in writing.  The school must supply the information requested within one school month or provide  a reason for an extension of up to two months.

Where you are unhappy with how your data has been handled by the school you can make a complaint to the Data Protection Officer, Donna Flynn, at or if this does not provide satisfaction direct to the Information Commissioner at

Separate from the GDPR, the Department for Education regulations provide a pupil's parents (regardless of the age of the pupil) with the right to view, or to have a copy of, their child's educational record at the school.  If you wish to exercise this right you should contact the School Office.

The Freedom of Information Act requires publicly funded bodies, including schools, to be clear about the information they publish. 

Use of our Website

St Michael's Church School acknowledges the right to privacy of the users of this website.  Any information gathered via this site is for the day to day running of the school's business (education and associated pastoral care) and no information so gathered will be passed on to a third party for any purpose whatsoever. Any statistics derived from the use of this site are for the understanding of general trends and no individual users shall be identifiable.

External Links: This site contains links to other sites made in good faith. The school is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites and has no control over the content that may be found there.  If any site we link to causes concern, please contact the School Office.

Advertisers: We do not display ads on our site.




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Constantine Drive, Standground South,
彼得伯勒,PE2 8SZ
电话:01733 306778


01733 306778
学校办公室的开放时间为周一至周五上午 8 点 30 分至下午 4 点


01733 306778
周一至周五上午 8:30 - 下午 5:30

ACT Trust
Stanground & Farcet C0fE Churches
Peterborough City Council Logo
Boxal Quality Mark Award 2022
School Games Bronze Award 2017/2018
IQM Award

©2022 圣迈克尔小学。自豪地由 PRISM  创建

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