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Miss Pledger

Subject Lead


“The intent of our history curriculum is to deliver high-quality lessons that inspire all pupils to ignite their curiosity of the past and act like historians. We aim to provide opportunities for pupils to ask perspective questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments and develop perspective and judgement, which supports their learning and interest. We want to encourage children to develop a sense of identity through learning about the past. We want to increase and develop their historical skills, concepts, knowledge and attitudes. This will help to embed our values such as compassion and responsibility.”


At St Michael’s, our History education will help pupils gain a coherent and chronological knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world.

Teaching should inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past and ask questions to broaden their historical understanding.

As pupils progress, their growing knowledge about the historical world should help them to deepen their understanding of significant historical people and their influences on places and the local area.Children will learn through real-life experiences, exciting theme days and engage with local organisations and heritage sites to develop their historical knowledge.


Our History Curriculum is high quality, well thought out and planned to demonstrate progression. If children are on track with curriculum expectations, they are deemed to be making good or better progress.

Outcomes in Theme books evidence a broad and balanced Humanities Curriculum. In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

• Reflecting on standards achieved against the planned outcomes

• Children retaining knowledge that is pertinent to History

• Children’s enjoyment of History lessons and keenness to find out more about the area they are studying

• Evidence of work showing a range of topics covered, cross curriculum links and differentiated work

• High standards in History that match standards in other subjects such as English and Maths

• Frequent subject leader learning walks, observations, book monitoring and staff training ensures teachers knowledge and understanding of History remains up to date

• SLT are kept informed through feedback from moderations, subject reports and annual subject action plans as well as classroom drop ins and observations.




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Constantine Drive, Standground South,
彼得伯勒,PE2 8SZ
电话:01733 306778


01733 306778
学校办公室的开放时间为周一至周五上午 8 点 30 分至下午 4 点


01733 306778
周一至周五上午 8:30 - 下午 5:30

ACT Trust
Stanground & Farcet C0fE Churches
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Boxal Quality Mark Award 2022
School Games Bronze Award 2017/2018
IQM Award

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